This is the collective list of all my project ideas. Most of them are just
that—ideas. Some I've started work on. Some I've got into working condition.
I am a strong believer in FOSS.
Please keep in mind that while all of these projects fascinate me, it is
highly unlikely I will "finish" all of them any time soon. If you're up to
the task, feel free to take any ideas on this list and finish them for me. My
(non-binding) request is that you contact me when you have an MVP so I can
thank you. Here are the categories:
Prototype/MVP that runs in some form
- Eckert_Sim: A cycle-accurate CPU simulator written in C with a simple
RISC architecture and microinstructions. Repo link here.
- LQTLD3: Linear Quadtrees with Level Differences in Python 3. Currently
capable of generating functional quadtrees, but I want to see if I can
support k-map reduction. Repo
link here.
- PyPelt: A fuzzy logic controller framework written in Python 3.
Repo link here.
- A Sharp: a tool for learning music theory on guitar. Props to
Logan Czarnecki and Tracey
King for assisting with
development. let me know if you want a different link here and I'll
update this page. Repo link
- BJGym: a light-weight, multi-threaded RL environment for the blackjack
card game written in C. Designed to be easily built for many different
platforms. Maybe down the line it will support multiple card games, and
multi-agent self-play. Has yet to reach an alpha stage. Repo
Link here.
Big Projects with Design Project in Place
- Didakt: automated curriculum generator for topics in computer science.
Currently just a landing page. Link here.
- Ozone: A C++17 library/game engine written to expedite the development
of CPU-intensive 2-D games. Forte will be exceptional debugging tools and
profiling tools. Proposal has been started, but draft is not yet
Potential Future Ideas
- An ncurses preview window for your command, with some sort of safeguard
to prevent execution in the midst of typing the command.
- A software suite for smart coffee machines that provides the same
coherent UI across different coffee machines
- A deep learning system that can render a top down visualization of a
soccer game in ASCII art from footage.
- A useful CLI interface for cloud services that works with Google Drive,
Dropbox, and OneDrive.
- An open-source clone of the Hemingway text editor that tries to
measure the compare of various parameters of your writing and compare them
to famous prolific authors. Recurrent neural nets would be fun but likely
- A grammar engine plugin for vim
- A CLI tool that takes unlabeled source code through stdin and attempts
to detect the programming language
- An eBook on the fundamentals of StarCraft II aimed at AI programmers.
The book will focus more on undertanding how to play the game instead of
how to develop software that plays the game.
- A framework for quickly deploying user-friendly frontends for academic
publication repositories. Inspired by the arXiv sanity preserver.
- An application suite that can be deployed on a Raspberry Pi to convert
into a cheap alternative to a
TI-89 graphing calculator.
- A computer program that can algorithmically generate IUPAC names just
based on skeleton structure. It would be fun to see how different neural
networks perform at this task despite the fact that a much simpler method
could certainly be used.
- Develop a data-driven approach to "reverse engineering" synthesizer
patches. Current candidates are simple multivariate linear regression and
recurrent neural networks.
- A ridiculously over-engineered ripoff of DrugWars in C++.
- A Web service where you can upload a video and then keyword search the
an auto-generated transcript